This problem is not related to hosting, rather the problem is in the site itself. Please follow the recommendations from the specified site to get your site indexed faster.
Recommendations for webmasters
- 84 Users Found This Useful
This problem is not related to hosting, rather the problem is in the site itself. Please follow the recommendations from the specified site to get your site indexed faster.
Recommendations for webmasters
To disable error output in your script, use: error_reporting (0); Remember that you need to...
The domain is scheduled for deletion, so its validity period has expired and it has not been...
You need to add this line to your htaccess file in the directory where you want to disable magic...
To create a cron task, follow these steps: 1. You need to create a cron task in Control Panel -...
Reasons for the error:1. Incorrect content of the index.php or index.html file, its...