Technical domains

Technical domains are designed to provide the user with a technical address that can be used to debug a site, etc. The technical address is a subdomain of the domain name allocated by the hosting for such purposes.

Using a technical domain allows the user to access different sites by the technical name (changing the binding to the technical domain), without waiting for information about domain names in DNS to be updated (which can take a long time)

Work principles
DarkHost has a technical domain:, which you can use for your own purposes.
Each user in the ISP Manager control panel has the opportunity to link their site to our technical domain.
This means that an A record or AAAA record will be created in the technical domain (for example, corresponding to the username (for example,
The moment a user changes the binding of a WWW domain to a technical domain, the A- or AAAA-record address is set in accordance with the IP address used for the WWW domain. The user's technical address itself (for example, is set as an alias for the selected WWW-domain. Thus, when navigating to a technical domain address, the user will be shown the selected WWW domain.

The easiest way to create your own resource for tech. domain
Create a new WWW-domain in the ISP Manager control panel with the name you need, for example test-project, and then add the technical domain address to it, as a result you should get a similar record:

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